To really show off the strength of our Polycarbonate Plastic Glasses we decided to put them through their paces against some of the reusable and disposable glasses in an endurance test.
The glasses we tested were as follows:
Virtually Unbreakable Plastic Glasses
- Polycarbonate 20oz Remedy Hi-Ball/Pint Glass
- Polycarbonate 10oz Remedy Hi-Ball/Half Pint Glass
- Polycarbonate 12oz Hi-Ball Glass
Reusable Plastic Glasses
- ‘Event’ Reusable Plastic Pint Glass
- Lightweight Reusable Half Pint Glass
- Reusable 12oz Hi-Ball Glass
Disposable Plastic Glasses
- Disposable Flexy Pint Glass
- Disposable Flexy Half Pint
- Disposable 20oz Katerglass Pint
- Disposable 10oz Katerglass Half Pint
- Disposable Plastic 300ml Hi-Ball Glass
Stage 1 was a simple body weight test. We placed the glasses on the floor and stood on them to see if they could withstand a person’s weight. The results were as expected; the polycarbonate range won hands down, closely followed by the reusable glasses with the disposables in third and final place. One surprise during this test was the performance of the 12oz Reusable Hi-Ball glass – it survived the weight of a person without a single crack.
Stage 2 involved a pint glass from each of the three ranges being dropped from shoulder height whilst full of water. The weight of the water caused the reusable pint to split in two whilst the disposable Katerglass broke into many pieces. The polycarbonate glass, as expected, hit the ground and rolled away.
Stage 3 was the final stage of the test and involved only the polycarbonate Remedy pint and half pint glasses. The glasses were run over by our 2.5 tonne forklift truck. We felt that if we can’t break the glasses by flattening them with such a weight, then we are never going to able to, no matter what we throw at them.
Please watch the video below and see for yourself just how robust the polycarbonate glasses are.