I was fortunate enough to bag a ticket to Wimbledon this year, and with the weather set fair, it was time to take full advantage of the allowance of a bottle of wine per person. (I’m never going to pass this up) We armed ourselves with a Polycarbonate Wine Glass each and headed for Henman Hill to watch a little tennis on the big screen.

Being an outdoor event, we had to use something unbreakable, and our plastic wine glasses are just perfect. Built to last, they can take plenty of abuse (we’ve not heard of one breaking yet under normal use) and can be washed up to 500 times in a dishwasher before showing signs of wear and tear. I tied my glass to a bag strap for the journey as I’d run out of space in the bag, and it quite happily travelled with me on various trains. At no time did it get anywhere near break point.
I would have preferred to have taken something Biodegradable, but there isn’t much in the way of stemware available yet. My glass served me well; I’d even go as far to say that it was ace.
Kate 🙂